Fit for everyday situations:

We train in the Vienna Prater close to our Dog Training Center in a variety of locations. The aim is to prepare and make puppies comfy with all sorts of situations in a real life environment.

The perfect basic training for everyday demands.
In addition to basic obedience commands and preparedness for challenges of city life we will show and assist you on the way to becoming a solid team with your best friend.

It does not matter whether you start with a puppy or a dog you got at a later stage of his life. We are a certified training institution and it is our experience and track record over decades that enables us to offer you amongst our other programmes this course which contains all elements for the perfect base of a rewarding and safe relationship with your canine companion.

This course is most suitable for puppies from 6 months on.
The course contains 10 training units and one free trial lesson.

Schedule: On Saturdays from 12:00 – 12:50 (50 minutes). This includes a rest and recreation time interval: it is quite important, for small and tall, to train how to relax.

Venue: Vienna Prater, the exact location will be given at registration.
Course fee: € 330 for 10 Units plus one free trial lesson.
Course Management: Aaron Kamhi
Group assignment takes place in accordance with open vacancies. It is not possible to join a running course.
We keep groups rather small to ensure quality and individual attention.
send us an email to book the free trial and to secure your course participation

For training please bring: Chest harness or soft, wide collar, a simple leash with loop (approx.1-1.5m long, no double leashes and especially no pull-out leashes), soft favorite treats that the dog can swallow quickly, treat bag that you can hang on your belt or similar, possibly the favorite toy of your dog (the best would be a ball with string or a play rope).

I am your best Buddy!

Hundeschule Hundezentrum Wien liebt Hunde und unterstützt regelmäßig Tierschutz Projekte mit Sinn!

Dog Training in English!